Monday, 30 August 2010

Cool things I found under the house

We spent a very busy weekend basically working on the house in one way or another. I can't talk about the curtains I spent all of the rainy Sunday making because it's just too depressing, to spend all that time only to be really disappointed with the result...
Anyway I will maybe tell that story another time.
So what I did do this weekend is dig around under the house. It rained almost all weekend and I had noticed that there were a couple of areas around the house where the rain wasn't draining too well. (Steve's previous blog about the squelchy moss was one of them....) Anyway I thought about this and figured that logically, water shouldn't be collecting in a concrete yard - then did a bit of digging (literally) in a few likely spots and discovered two drains, both completely covered with mud. The second one was completely blocked and required me to lie in the mud with my arm right down it to unblock it.... Very satisfying when it clears though... I just wonder how long it must have taken for decomposing leaf litter and mud to completely cover up a drain such that you can't even tell where it is?
While lying in the mud I noticed this bone pendant sitting in a puddle. I'm sure it's some genuine 400 year old maori taonga.

When I'd had enough of rummaging around in the mud I went back to installing underfloor insulation which took me to some of the dustiest parts of the house. I doubt anyone has had cause to go there for many years, given the lack of concern for the drains....

But I did find this cigarette packet. Notice anything about it?
... No health warning. In NZ they were introduced in 1974 which means this packet is at least 36 years old.

And I saved my most exciting find til last: An old, rusty metal sign lying in the dust turned out to be one of those cool old advertisements for Van Houten's cocoa which I think is one of the best brands of cocoa still. Shame it's a bit rusted away but rest assured it'll end up inside the house not under it eventually...

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